My Olympic Experience
By Tim Boschert
Warmth of the torch was felt finally on February 8, 2002. Lori, my wife, and I went to stand on State Street in Murray to watch the passing of the Olympic torch just two hours before the Opening Ceremony.

A cold wind blew but it did not deter a crowd from gathering. Finally, the motorcade appeared down the road. Roma Downey was the bearer of the torch past us.  Her elated smile, the spring in her step and reaction of the crowd initiated the 2002 Winter Olympics in me.  The Games were here in Utah!

Roma Downey torch bearer on State Street in Murray, UT. Two hours prior Opening Ceremony, February 8, 2002.

I had even called my parents in Florida to listen to the crowd reaction as the torch parade went by. They were thrilled to be part of the Utah torch run. Lori and I were equally impressed and could not believe we were partaking in history – even yet near our home. Many across the U.S. had witnessed the torch run. It is truly a once in a life time experience to even witness the torch let alone carry. 

Leaving the torch run on State Street we spied the runner previous to Ms. Downey.  Yes, you instantly have fame as a torch runner and then…. you are just another runner on the side of the road.  What I would love to know, who was she, what significance brought her to become a runner, and did she in typical Utah fashion push the stroller as part of her run.

Olympic Torch Runner – after their burn.

At a fund raising function for our church's school, I was able to touch and hold torch #23 of the relay. Beautifully crafted, it is a great symbol of the Games.  For the instant I held it, I too had the flame within.

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Disclaimer: This site is a personal web site. It is not affiliated with the SLOC or IOC.
Please vist the official Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympic site for more information.