My Olympic Experience
By Tim Boschert
Streets of Downtown Salt Lake had been transformed into a walking plaza. Central to this walking plaza was the Olympic Medals Ceremony arena.  Each night athletes who medaled from that day were presented, followed by a name concert act. 

Entry to the plaza required one to comply with the new security search mess now a common feature of the Olympics.  The volunteer and military effort was overwhelming.  One had to be prepared to wait in-line to go to the venues.  I never heard any complaints about the security measures.  People were compliant.

Security agent monitors for contraband 
prior to entry of the medal plaza area.

Once inside the plaza, those familiar with the downtown streets of Salt Lake were amazed to find a beautifully lighted atmosphere.  A montage of the 2002 Winter Olympic colors greeted one every where.  Calm rich hues of blue prevailed, punctuated by trees highlighted in white, amber, and orange lights.

Banners providing a barrier to restricted areas, were hung on almost every available space reminding you of the Olympic occasion.  Predominate on the skyline were building sized images of athletes poised in competitive moves.

LDS Mormon Salt Lake Temple flanked by Olympic colored lights and banners.

Salt Lake City, 300 West Street 
adjacent to the Ice Center (Delta Center).

Salt Lake City, South Temple Street, 
adjacent to the Medals Ceremony Plaza.

Skater Mural

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Disclaimer: This site is a personal web site. It is not affiliated with the SLOC or IOC.
Please vist the official Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympic site for more information.