of past Olympics center mostly on winter events. I can recall images
of athletes in bobsleighs sliding down what looked like ice tunnels, or
images of men ski jumping. Wondering at an early age what it would be like
to sail across the finish line and claim medal glory. What child
does not have such dreams of medal contention? Alas, somehow I went
on with my life.
In 1996 I was re-awakened to that dream. "…to the city of Salt Lake City !", were the words from the IOC leader, Antonio Samerach as he announced that the Winter Games would be in Utah. A thunderous roar erupted that Spring day from the crowd on Washington Square. It lasted for what seemed like minutes and I was there. A co-worker, George, dragged my to participate in the now historic bid announcement. I can look back at photos now and say I was standing near the tree just right of center on the square. I believe it was that day alone that ignited the fire within and everyone there. People were already talking about how they might serve the Salt Lake Olympic effort or at least rent their house out for untold dollars. The countdown had begun. Could Salt Lake with its western desert isolation and predominate Mormon population handle the Games? Clearly I believed the 2002 Winter Olympic Games would become issues of religion and alcohol. |
had developed. Days passed and soon years, until ticket sales began.
How could I a state worker for the Utah Department of Transportation afford
the ticket packages? I had become somewhat apathetic since the bribery
scandal and street talk of the "Mormon Games". The games might as
well go on and even though the games were in my back yard I would again
watch from the comfort of my couch as I would gather yet more images of
bobsleighs and jumping flying men.
The call for volunteers had gone out, I resisted. I wanted to try to be a participant. Friends and co-workers were getting involved. The Olympic effort needed countless people to do everything. Greeters, drivers and venue personnel of all types were needed. I just didn’t want to get assigned to trash duty. I resisted still and even thought of getting a new couch. |
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Disclaimer: This site is a personal web site. It is not
affiliated with the SLOC or IOC.
Please vist the official Salt
Lake 2002 Winter Olympic site for more information.