My Olympic Experience
By Tim Boschert
Highlights of the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics were many.  I would find it hard to just narrow it to one Olympic moment.  The constant images that stand fresh in mind are; The fellowship of co-workers,  The constant smile and upbeat attitude of volunteers at the venues, The helicopter assignment, and the personal time from Mitt for the picture.

Special thanks to Olene Walker, Lt. Governor of the State of Utah.  She was personally working the crowd after the Volunteer Celebration on the State Capitol steps February 25.  Thank you Mrs. Walker for your personal thank you.  Your attention made my service worth it.

Tim and Mitt Romney

Few had the experience  to view what I did during the Olympics.  Thank you State of Utah for allowing me to experience the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympics.  Hovering over venues, Downtown Salt Lake City, the medals plaza, and Rice-Eccles Stadium with the flame burning bright at night. 

Funny how I still got the view you too had from the couch, but I was next to the NBC helicopter.

Tim Boschert

Rice-Eccles Stadium, Olympic flame 
February 20, 2002

P.S. Concerning religion and alcohol:

  • I never had a problem getting a beer during the Olympics.
  • The only people who approached me were not Mormon missionaries, but Southern Baptist distributing copies of the New Testament.

Southern Baptist Bible Slingers
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Disclaimer: This site is a personal web site. It is not affiliated with the SLOC or IOC.
Please vist the official Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympic site for more information.